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Train like your life depends on it...

Updated: Mar 11, 2020

Train like your life depends on it...because in a deadly force encounter, IT DOES!

How often do you go to the range and practice with your carry pistol? Have you had enough training that going to the range to practice is building good habits? Or, is it reinforcing bad ones? Do you know the difference? If there is ANY question in your mind, get more training!

Having a License to Carry a handgun doesn't mean you will win a gunfight. It means you have learned the safety rules, the laws, and have proven that you can hit your target at least 70% of the time. Now it is time to step up your game a little.

Have you learned how to correctly draw from concealment and then hit your target...within 1.5 seconds? Did you know that a knife attack from a distance of 21 feet requires you to draw and fire in 1.5 seconds in order win that fight? Don't believe it? Give it a try. Have someone charge you from 21 feet and time how long it takes them to get to you.

If you haven't had any training past your LTC, I would recommend taking our Pistol II class which is the first in a series of Advanced Handgun Classes that we offer at CrossPointe Defense. Just a few of the things you will learn are:

  • Situational Awareness

  • Drawing from concealment

  • Getting off the "X"

  • Moving and Shooting

  • Engaging Multiple Targets

  • Tactical and Emergency Mag Changes

  • Clearing Malfunctions and Getting Back in the Fight

  • Effectively controlling recoil for Quicker follow on shots

  • And much more

Mastering the Pistol II Skills builds confidence in your ability to defend yourself and others and enhances your chances of surviving a deadly force encounter tremendously. It also prepares you for the Pistol III class which builds on the Pistol II skill set and is a more scenario based training utilizing cover and concealment, one handed shooting, shooting under stress, hostage recognition and threat elimination, plus much more.

So remember, practice is REQUIRED for all of us! No excuses like "I don't have time to go to the range" or "ammo is too expensive". DRY FIRE practice is excellent, and costs nothing. Just five minutes two or three times a week will make a huge difference in your marksmanship. And use it for practicing your draw from a holster. Repetition builds muscle memory, so make sure you are practicing correctly!

Training is NEEDED by all of us! Even if you don't train with us at CrossPointe Defense, please get some training from a reputable and knowledgeable firearms instructor somewhere.

Train to win...because loosing is not an option!


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