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Concealed Carry, So What's Next?

So you go get your Concealed Carry Permit...or License to Carry as we call it in Texas. What now? Buy a carry gun and holster, strap it on, and go on your merry way? STOP right there. It's past time to ask yourself some questions. Like "why did I want to get my LTC"? If the answer is "because all the cool kids are doing it" then you just wasted your money. If the answer is something more like "with all the crazy or evil people in the world, I felt like I needed to be able to protect myself and my loved ones", then read on.

Please understand that having a permit in your wallet and a gun on your hip is not all it takes to make you safer. Sure, safer than no gun, but have you trained with that gun? Yes? Good! Yes, I know ammo is expensive. And yes, I know that it is hard to find time to go to the range and practice. But did you know that you can spend 10 minutes a day doing dry fire practice in your home and your accuracy will increase dramatically within the first week! I was amazed when I first started doing it.

I will cover some of the dry fire drills that I do in my next blog. You will save a ton of money and get bundle of benefit!

A word about accuracy. It is important, but most people only train for accuracy. They go to the range with a hundred rounds of ammo, feet square with the target, shoulder width apart, and they burn through their ammo. Do you think that if you are unfortunate enough to ever have to face a deadly threat that it will present itself as a stationary target that you will square up on, take your time, and punch holes in it? Most likely not! Train to move and shoot. Seeking cover and/or concealment as you move. Practice with one hand, strong and weak side. You can train to move and shoot while you do your dry fire drills in your home.

There is so much more to learn to stack the cards a little more in your favor! Find a qualified instructor that teaches advanced self defense shooting. Your confidence will increase dramatically. Our instructors at CrossPointe Defense teach advanced classes in handgun, carbine, shotgun, and hand to hand. Whether you train with us or not, just TRAIN. It will definitely up the odds on your survival of a deadly force encounter.

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